April 28, 2022: Not my weekend...

I really like Hagen, for years it has been my start into the green season. But this year it just wasn't my tournament... This is certainly due to the fact that both horses clearly have too little test routine. Even the start in Belgium with Denoix PCH doesn't really count in my eyes, because it was rather counterproductive.

The chestnut was clearly too restrained in the Grand Prix. In the Spécial it went much better, I really liked the traversals and the reinforcement in the trot. But it seemed a bit as if we just couldn't make up for the mistakes we made in the first performance...

Beryll was really good in the warm-up, but when we entered the arena, he just held his breath and was tense. Our last show was in September... In the piaffes he huffed and puffed, far from being loose. I would have preferred not to compete at all in the freestyle, which unfortunately the international rules don't allow for. So we headed off into the floodlight, which increased Beryll's tension even more...

Well then, let's look forward to the next competition!